Talk: Interface Design in 3D & VFX Software
Pete Draper, CEO & co-founder of Makuta VFX
Keynote 1: Technology as an enabler for rural development
Shashank Tripathi, Partner at PwC and founder of Jagriti Yatra
Keynote 2:ā The Ironies of Autonomy
Maya Indira Ganesh, Technology Researcher at Leuphana University
Exemplar based experience transfer
Paridhi Maheshwari, Adobe
Dara: a chatbot to help Indian artists and designers discover international opportunities
Microsoft Research
Investigating controller-less input for smartphone based VR
Priya Ganapathi and Keyur Sorathia
Challenges faced by Visually Impaired in Accessing Bangalore Metro Services.
Varun R. Panambur
Keynote 4:ā Electric mobility in Indian context
Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Professor, IIT Madras
Tete a Tete Panel : Extended Reality for Social Good
Lead By Jayati Bandopadhyay and Saurabh Srivastava.
Keynote 6:ā HCI and why comic sans is keeping hostile aliens away from Earth
Amol Gurwara, Country Manager, Kindle at Amazon Singapore
That's all, folks!
My name is Gyan, and I am a multidisciplinary designer. You can see more of my work