About the project
I started this project for Inktober 2016. I’d been learning brush lettering for a while, and I painted a series of pop-culture phrases from things that I love. They’re mostly watercolor on paper, with some digital processing to clean up blemishes. Here are a few of my favorites.
Hello World. As an engineering student turned into a designer, it only seemed fitting to start with this.
Don’t even trip, dawg. From Rick and Morty, one of my all-time favorite TV shows.
Time to get schwifty! Also from Rick and Morty.
This one’s from the IT Crowd, another favorite.
Community! #sixseasonsandamovie
Picture yourself in a boat on a river. From Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, by The Beatles.
If you liked this project, check out my Instagram for more stuff like this!