
About this Website

This website documents some of the material I shared with students as part of the DD325: Data Visualization elective I am teaching at Department of Design, Delhi Technological University in Jan-May 2025.

Jekyll Garden

This website uses Jekyll-Garden, an open source theme for Jekyll created by Hiran Venugopalanthat can be used with Obsidian and GitHub Pages for a public notes solution.

Here's the source code for my version of this website on GitHub.

Content License

Most of my content on this website — notes, slides, teaching exercises — is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA, which means you can feel free to share, use & build upon these things while giving credit, sharing under the same license and not using it for commercial purposes.

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to use my work in a way that isn’t possible under this license.

The work of students, and slides of talks by other speakers etc. are owned by the respective creators. Please reach out to them personally before using their work in any form.