See also: LecturesLectures
See also: Syllabus · Grading
10am - 12:30pm Lectures + Studio
1pm - 2pm Lunch Break
2pm - 5pm Presentations + Exercises
Lecture 1 - Data and Information
7 Janua... · GradingGrading
See also: Syllabus · Lectures
Data Visualization Course Grading Plan
Assessment and Grading Breakdown
Your performance in this course will be evaluated across 6 components, each designed...
Subject Code: DD325 Course Title: Data Visualization Jan to May 2025
Course Objective: Learn to use data as a design material to exhibit, explore, explain, experience and enable.
Contact Hours:
- Lecture (L): 1
- Tutorial (T): 0
- Studio (S): 6
Studio Hours: 4 Examination Duration (Hrs):
- CWS: 10
- STS: 40
- MTE: 10
- ETE: 20
- STE: 20
Credit: 4 Semester: 6th
Course Syllabus
S. No. | Contents | Contact Weeks |
1 | Importance of data visualization; Data and image models; Visualization Design | 3 |
2 | Color; Space; Data Analysis; Multi-Dimensional data; Graphical Perception | 4 |
3 | Visualization Software; Interactive Visualization; Animation in Visualization | 4 |
4 | Mapping and cartography; Narrative; Text Visualization | 3 |
Total | 14 |
Detailed Structure
Data and Information
- Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
- Exercise: Exercise - Data SelfieExercise - Data Selfie
We are all producing data all the time!
Phone calls
Emails/Whatsapp messages
Health/fitness data
Instagram likes
Screen time/App usage Attendance marking
Location sharing/history
Br... - What can we do with data?
- Exhibit, Explain, Explore, Experience, Enable
- Data to Information
- Forming insights
- Levels of Measurement
- Conceptual v/s Measurable Data
- Infographics
- What separates illustrations from infographics?
Types of Data
- Exercise: Exercise - PIN PointExercise - PIN Point
Download this dataset of synthetic PIN card numbers from Kaggle. Open the .csv file in either a text editor or Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to see the values.
PIN Data | Kaggle
Are y... - Structured data (Tables)
- Semi-structured data
- Unstructured data (Longform text, images, audio, film)
Exploring Structured data
- Dimensions in data
- Basic Stats
- Spreadsheets for exploring data
- Exercise: Exercise - Explore a DatasetExercise - Explore a Dataset
Find a dataset in an area that you are interested in. For the purpose of this exercise, avoid text heavy datasets and image datasets. Make sure there are at least 4 features in the da... - Exercise: Exercise - Explore a DatasetExercise - Explore a Dataset
Find a dataset in an area that you are interested in. For the purpose of this exercise, avoid text heavy datasets and image datasets. Make sure there are at least 4 features in the da... with AI! - Identifying outliers and trends
- Simple visualisations inside spreadsheets
- Measures of central tendency - mean, median, mode
- Frequency
- Exploratory Data Analysis - simple charts to uncover trends
Text as Data
- Qualitative vs. quantitative aspects (word counts, context, sentiment).
- Challenges of analyzing unstructured text.
- Word clouds, phrase nets, topic modeling visualizations
- Leveraging NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques for deeper insights.
Images as Data
- Raster and vector images
- What are images made of?
- Time spent on campus - Rasagy's map of entry, exit
- Sky maps over covid
- Data models - Films as data
- Visualizing 500 Days of Summer by @rasagy
- Visualization of movies - Part II - The Batman Trilogy
Marks & Channels
- Encoding Data into Visuals
- Marks and ChannelsMarks and Channels
Marks are the the basic geometries, or graphical elements, in a plot that depict our data items or their linkages.
... - Picking the right visualisation type
- Exercise: Exercise - Three Ways of VisualisingExercise - Three Ways of Visualising
Reference Material
See Which Chart to Use for a list of reference material that show the different types of visualisations and the types of charts that can be used to represent them.
Instruct... - Common mistakes WTF Visualizations · Data to Viz Caveats
Graphical Perception
- Data-ink ratio
- Role of aesthetics, clarity, and function in effective visuals.
- Gestalt principles
- Minimizing visual clutter and maximizing information density
- Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity
- Accuracy of Different Chart Types - Cleveland and McGill studies on how people interpret lengths, angles, and areas.
- Visual Encoding: Color, Shape, Size
- Color wheels, complementary, analogous, triadic color schemes.
- Color for cartography
- Perceptual aspects of color (simultaneous contrast, color blindness considerations).
- Visual Design: Typography, Spacing, Emphasis
- Plane graphic
- Negative space
Types of Charts
- From Data to Viz
- Data Viz Project
- Visual Vocabulary Poster - Financial Times
- Visual variables sheet - Data Viz Handbook
Making Good Charts
- Tufte: Data-ink ratio
Ben Schneiderman’s Visualization Mantra: “Overview first, zoom and filter, then details on demand.”
- How structure influences the visualization form
- tree diagrams, node-link diagrams
- Bar, line, pie, scatter plots, etc.
Lying with Data // Data and Truth
- Zomato rider payout
- Correlation causation
- Alberto Cairo - How Charts Lie
- What can be measured? Literacy rate - what is literate?
- Rich people by state - tax returns >1cr
- Ethics in Data Visualisation
- Photo quiz: This is an experiment about how we view history
- Data bias - where can it come from
- Histories - data x design, staged photographs
- Misleading graphics
- Common fallacies
- Spurious correlations
Storytelling with data
- Structuring data narratives with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
- Who is this for?
- Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC - YouTube
- New York Times interactive visual stories.
- Gapminder (Hans Rosling) for data-driven storytelling.
- Finding datasets
- Exploring datasets
- Finding insights
Geospatial visualisations
- Mapping and cartography
- History of maps
- MIT Senseable City Lab
- Relevant xkcd: Map Projections
- With a large enough sample size everything is a population map xkcd: Heatmap [OC] Geospatial density of the biggest fast food chains in the USA : r/dataisbeautiful
- Exercise: Making a map
- Contributing to OpenStreetMap
- Projections (Mercator, Robinson, etc.), scale, and symbolization.
- Mapping statistical data (choropleth, proportional symbol maps).
- Exercise Schematic Maps
- India in Pixels -
- Ashris Choudhury—Outlier 2021—Narrating a Nation Through Numbers: India in Pixels - YouTube
Motion in Data Visualisations
- What can motion add?
- Shows temporal trends effectively.
- If Denmark was 100 people - Ferdio
Interactive Data Dashboards
- Engages users, allows exploration of data from different angles. Encourages personal discovery and deeper insight.
- Data Interfaces
- Sci fi interfaces
- Histography - Timeline of History
- Accessibility Bring accessibility to charts in your app - WWDC21 - Videos - Apple Developer
- Data Visualizations, Charts, and Graphs | Digital Accessibilityw