Course material
- Prof. Venkatesh Rajamanickamat the Information Design Lab at IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay. I based a lot of the structure and exercises for this course on what I learnt during his Data Visualisation course while pursuing my masters at IDC.
- Rasagy Sharma for his workshop on Geospatial visualisation at IDC during the Data Visualisation elective and the Data Selfie workshop at UXNow 2022, and also for encouraging me to teach!
- Nishita Nirmal for her material on The Use of Color in Cartography and the Sky Images dataset.
- Tanvi Sharma for contributing a lot of great resources and examples.
- Charu Pragya for helping with course structure, examples, grading, and planning learning objectives.
- Vivek Menon for introducing me to self visualising systems.