Field Trip - Bird Noticing

There are a lot of birds around DTU. If you take a quiet walk through the campus, you'll be able to hear them in the trees. Have you ever wondered which birds these are?

Bird Noticing is an idea popularised by the artist Jenny Odell in her book "How to Do Nothing" where she argues that "bird-watching" could instead be called "bird-noticing" because it emphasizes the act of simply observing rather than actively searching for birds to identify.

After the class, we will take a walk through the DTU campus and listen to the birds and try and identify them by their bird calls. You can choose to visualise this data, or just learn something about which birds you can find around you.

This activity is optional and there is no penalty for skipping.


Install the Merlin Bird ID app and download the North Indian birds pack. This may be around .5 GB so it's best to do it in advance when you have good internet. Their Sound ID feature listens to the birds around you and shows real-time suggestions for who’s singing. You can also identify birds by photo.