Participatory data visualisation Set up a system where people can come and add to your visualisation. This could look like a desk with some materials and some instructions on how to add to the visualisation. Example: The Mood Test | Domestic Data Streamers
Multimedia data visualisation Convert a dataset (weather, stock market, public sentiment) into an unexpected format like musical notes, rhythms, lights, vibrations or motion. Ask people to describe their dreams and use AI-generated images and motion graphics to form dream trend visualizations (e.g., common themes like flying, falling, being chased). Example: Play a Kandinsky — Google Arts & Culture
Study a trend Try and study a trend using social media to capture data. What are the most common hand gestures in dance trends? How many posts accidentally capture a pet in the background? What are the photos people take at some popular spots?
Analyse longform text Find a body of text data - say the lyrics to all the songs of your favorite artist, or all of the SMSes you receive. Come up with ways to analyse this text - like which words are used a lot, who sends more messages, etc. Use NLP tools or try and get ChatGPT to write some code to do this for you. How would you visualise this data?
The Data Visualization Society holds the Information is Beautiful Awards and hosts a number of regular challenges. Their Awards Showcase lists out participants and winners, and is a great resource to find interesting data viz projects.